Hi! My name is Marcedes Plenge, but everyone calls me Cedie (Say-Dee). I settled in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire in 2015. My passion is for a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life. At 30 years old, life has already gifted me with incredible experiences – from being a proud parent to my two amazing children and two wonderful step-children, to embarking on a journey of love and growth with my fiancé – and a whole “lotta” crazy in between.

The story of Gardens and Grubs began as a humble spark ignited by our shared devotion to our health. As a New Hampshire based business, I found myself nurturing not only our family’s health but also an intense spirituality with nature. This newfound appreciation inspired us to take a closer look at our lifestyle and set out on a path toward greater self-sufficiency.

But our journey didn’t stop there. Alongside my fiancé’s inspiring weight loss transformation, we underwent a profound shift in our daily choices and priorities. Our commitment to living organically and sustainably grew stronger, and we embraced a lifestyle that aligned with our values. Our household became a testament to mindful living, marked by a relentless pursuit of a minimal-waste approach.

The transformation we experienced as a family was too significant to keep to ourselves. It wasn’t long before the idea of a Gardens and Grubs blog took root – a place where I could share our adventures, lessons, and the wisdom we have gathered along the way. My lifestyle blog emerged as a space to offer insights into gardening, clean living, and the harmonious blend of public schooling and homeschooling for our children. As a mother living with ADHD, I also open up about some of those experiences, aiming to create a sense of camaraderie for those who may relate.

In 2023 we were faced with some realities that we couldn’t ignore.

Grocery shopping has become an overwhelming and discouraging chore. Reading ingredient labels and being disgusted by not only the sheer number of ingredients but the toxicity of what we used to purchase without a second thought. Topping off the frustration with the confusion as to why products with 47 different impossible-to-read ingredients were significantly more affordable than any organic product with 2-3 commonly known ingredients.

Eating out became a thing of the past when just scanning a menu had us questioning everything. What oils does this restaurant use? Are the vegetables genetically modified? Are the vegetables even washed? How much refined sugar is in this sauce? Knowing full well that a phone call to any establishment would probably leave the employees just as confused as us. We quickly realized that there weren’t many option for people like us; looking for clean, organic, and affordable food. And so, Gardens and Grubs was born. A kitchen where the priority lies in the ingredients, not in the money.

So, here I am, navigating the exhilarating journey of life while raising a family, tending to our gardens, and fostering an environment of conscious living. Gardens and Grubs is an embodiment of our genuine desire to make a difference – one step at a time. Join us as we continue to learn, grow, and share the beauty of this remarkable journey.

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